Here’s your chance to train with former Vice President Al Gore and become a Climate Reality Leader. Build the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to inspire action for climate solutions in your community and beyond.
By completing the Climate Reality Training, you’ll join the Climate Reality Leadership Corps– a global network of activists committed to spreading awareness of the climate crisis and working for solutions to the greatest challenge of our time.
Apply for the next training!
The next training is August 28 – September 3, 2020. And it’s free.
Learn more and apply at:
Space is limited, and applications are processed on a rolling basis. So apply today!
As someone who just completed the July Climate Reality training, I highly recommend it. While it’s not the usual in-person format, the virtual approach worked well, and combined synchronous presentations, on-demand presentations, and small group discussions.

You’ll learn a lot and meet some amazing people, from close by and all over the world. My small group was a terrific bunch of people, all from Washtenaw County. Meeting like-minded folks was really motivating. And the Climate Reality Project hosts an empowering “hub” that allows for real sharing and collaboration between Climate Reality Leaders, no matter where they live.
Just take that initial step, and start. And if you have any questions, just post them below in the comments, or email me at