It’s time to be part of a planet-wide dialogue on the climate crisis and its solutions. Our chapter has signed up to host several virtual presentations during #24HoursOfReality: Countdown to the Future!
Presentations by our chapter’s Climate Reality Leaders include:
Saturday, October 10, 4pm:
Climate Change and the Built Environment, Jan Culbertson
Saturday, October 10, 7pm:
Climate Change and the Great Lakes, Kris Olsson
Sunday, October 11, 1pm:
Climate Change and the Great Lakes (repeat), Kris Olsson
All presentations are virtual. We look forward to seeing you there!
What is #24HoursOfReality?
Every year, former US Vice President Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project (our parent organization) set a global initiative to raise awareness about the climate crisis and the existing solutions. This year, Climate Reality and TED Countdown are partnering to present 24 Hours of Reality: Countdown to the Future.
It kicks off at 11am ET on October 10 with TED Countdown’s five-hour program of livestreamed TED talks and discussion. Then at 4pm ET, Climate Reality Leaders around the world will continue the conversation with 24 full hours of digital presentations on the future we want and how we get there.
24 Hours of Reality culminates in a special presentation from Vice President Gore and other activists. This special finale begins at 3pm ET on October 11 and will be streamed live on and The Climate Reality Project’s Facebook page.
See the 24 Hours of Reality website for more details and the latest updates.
Can I give a presentation?
Yes! Please do! If you are a Climate Reality Leader, this is your chance to book a presentation! You can choose whether to make it private (so your family, friends, or book club folks can check out that climate stuff you keep talking about) or public (why not?).
To get started, go to
For questions, contact chapter chair Kris Olsson at
Join Us!
Washtenaw Climate Reality is proud to be a part of the 24 Hours of Reality initiative! We stand at a critical moment. We have the power to decide what our future on this planet will look like. We hope you’ll be part of it.
I am giving a presentation, but it is two days early for scheduling reasons:
Frank Koob is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Is Earth Climate in Trouble? Can We Act to Change what Is Happening?
Time: Oct 8, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 741 5823 6520
Passcode: 6w3Xw3
Terrific, Frank! Thanks for letting us know!
And if you are a Climate Reality Leader, be sure to post your presentation on the hub: